
a dialogue to understand


"the writer's view" june 18, 1991 11:20 am 

 to write from the whole being the writer can not capture the true essence of what it is he is trying to communicate. writing is that of fragments each unto its own universe. the fragments develop in his mind in order to reach and discover his world, his voice and provide a path of travel. it is not important to know the absolute direction of that or those paths he writes to, of, or from. he begins in darkness, chaos; his emotions, ideas, experiences carry him to a destination, many times more than not, to an unknown place, "deep, fathomless, and undefinable." he becomes the inner and the outer world, turning his voyage inside out, upside down, sideways and produces whatever it takes to bring his thoughts into view, his view. the writings are the diggings of archeological findings that he chooses to invent from the past and the future. there is, most of the time, no goal, just words that formulate themselves from his mind and the deepest of self. the deeper he digs, the fragments become his dream, his faith, his voice. most of the time dead ends; he fragmentizes so much that confusion takes the place of reality; and in turn he spends much time thinking and regrouping the words that appear in front of him. at times he must separate himself from his writing so that it stands alone and as not to reflect his own manhood.

failure as a writer is not necessarily the failure of the man, but time, maturity and discipline is what makes thoughts vibrant, fertile and riveting. the writer is the man; the man is the writer, inseparable at times, but to be on the edge, to face head on the unknown and wrestle with it; both the man and the writer are placed on hold and faith. it seems apparent the loss of what one loves so deeply, profusely, and profoundly permeates his world, forcing him to the boundless horizons of self expression. expression from what he has loved so, given up, and separated himself from. he writes from the edges and in turn is the outsider, looking in, towards the dark of day and night trying to establish his authenticity, to learn, realize more, make less from confusion, to articulate, analyze, synthesize all at the same time. to make time, that seems motionless, move once again and not stand still, thus making the waves foam as they pound the shores of his mind. his mind can only attempt to go forward by taking the steps backward, up, down, sideways, over, under or the progress is not realized. often, more than not, he writes of what he does not understand, that in hope, with gained knowledge the words and thoughts will become more clear and define those illusions. sometimes it is the decaying of those illusions that give them growth/life. it is the dismantling, the erosion, of those illusions that drive the writer to his maybe freedom. writing is most definitely not an escape into or out of reality of everyday life: it is the deeper side of the writer who is trying to be reborn, renewed, refreshed where the waters are black, deep cold and numbing in the sterility of the darkness which leads to his freedom. it is at times, again more than not, awkward, the paralyzing fear of being tongue-tied, naked, unsheltered and bare boned that handicaps him with apprehensiveness in waters of strong current where life preservers are non-existent. his words are daring; for if not, why proceed...his mysteriousness is what keeps him alive, not talent, not technique, not education......he creates from with-in his own daring ; no support, no life-line;  writes, he just does, from his dreams, frustrations, desires and gut reactions surrounded by fields of anxiety.


"create" june 17, 1991 8:45pm 

creativity or perhaps more profound-"creative individualism"-is a search; directed, exaggerated, fabricated; the emancipation of self and its awareness, authority, controls, limits narrowness and society's restraints. it is intellectual pushing, shoving, jumping in the middle, to reach one's own beyonds and yet still further reach for the unknown edge. to be on the edge, to make one's own reality, to exhaust every possible avenue of expression, means, goals, to challenge the pure essence of life and yes even death. it is "the death of the self" that forwards and promotes onwardness, forwardness, the invention of the new world, its meanings and its beyonds. each word becomes death and dies so the following one can live and develop its own meaning of individualism. it is the making of a new horizon, boundless territory, virgin bloodless ground that is sought. it is to ignite the mere soul, to burn from within, to capture life itself and then to release it, dismantle the birdcage and allow the full beauty in the freedom of flight. it is to make dreams creamy, mellow yellow or to walk on hot scorching coals that scar the already  scarred tissue of desire, passion...to wrestle with obscurity, to tangle with opposites, to define a new alphabet, escape the ordinary, redefine the forevers of tomorrow, bring to life a meaning that has never yet been felt and triumph from it, to be the magician---preform the magic---be the warrior and escape and evade death itself and bring the mind to that of the rainbow, multicolored and endless. it is the creativity that seems effortless, the perfection of illusion that is what it is all for and about. the simpler the better....less is more...more is too complicated and far less. the fact remains that the most simplest form is the most difficult to achieve and in order to attain freedom, discipline is a severe ingredient, no matter what we are taught. the fuel that feeds creativity is profound and sheer heart ache, brick by brick, layer upon layer; it is failure that is what success is built on. the restlessness of the heart, its loves,  passions, desires and friendships alone make the process take fold. to kiss the lips of death "herself" is the ache, the pain and the tearing of the flesh loved heart. profound beyond "profound love" is most definitely pivotal/essential. it is the imperfection of that love, that is so dishearteningly dampened and the struggle to secure it becomes a battle of a life time. to define love is like to define death; there are no perimeters: only the aches of heart beats that center themselves in the manifestation of the creative process. to love, is to surrender; full surrender is the acceptance of suffering, defeat, pain and failure. it needs to be viewed not as "negative or depressive," but observed as being "positive"....dealing, handling, using the process to fuel the creative appetite....no matter how excruciating. the process is only achieved through discipline and time....short, long, whatever the duration; it is time that makes us what we are and thus how we develop into ourselves as to achieve the voice that feels and welcomes our words: making us whole, "once more again." if we stand still, we are motionless and take no risks. risks, uncertainty and danger, is the question that creativity represents.

it is to act intuitively, not instinctively, that brings the creative mind to a higher law than what most are accustomed. that law is "love," which is tolerance, suffering, and allows all to be as they are.....it is the true meaning and essence of sacrifice.

creativity is love

love should be creativity

life is art

art is life

art and love is full and total surrender


"balanced man" june 19, 1991 3:00pm 

 the balanced man takes whatever is in his stride of equilibrium and measure: consumes only what he can digest............................................

what about the unbalanced man: balance is what he can not, consumes each inch around him and measure is not in his vocabulary; except when inches determine what he must create and build next. is this man empty of spirit; not religious; not whole? does he not make the paths of travel for himself; is his heart the navigator of his being or is he of shallow mind which is non-illuminated and non-productive? is this man terrified....slipping away from the light into darkness, from seen to the unseen and is he a man who does not have war with or within himself? is he the man who realizes the deeper process of his inward convictions; that truth is a paradox and that he is a refugee in the world in which he lives? does his freedom derive from balance, discipline and the illumination of life's experiences? can he stand alone, be his own healer and not be horrified, paralyzed or assaulted about his aloneness? is this man afraid to step out of the "middle ages" and enter and make known his awareness in the new "age"! does this man understand crucifixion, what the differences are between it being understood symbolically, from literally..does he? and does he have unlimited circulation of his mind, his heart, his life; everything? and does this man test himself; and from his awareness does he sleep more soundly; does he get beyond phantasy and dreams once he awakens.......does he?????

dialogue inspired: henry miller;  "wisdom of the heart" references to; from; by; e. graham howe


(snow taken) march 15, 1991 

the quiet snow falls gently; embellishes upon my view to the outside
"i am moved"
warm from where i observe its' glory, white on white, the reflections bring a peaceful beauty to my eyes (sight)
"i am again moved; now enamored"
branches of the trees bend slightly with their frosty loaded flakes, new born from the past eve's continuing early spring storm
"and i am deep in myself"
becoming peaceful, my heart is at rest, calm and not turbulent as yesterday
"and i fall deeper into myself"
a whitish cast of purity falls, folds into the earth below me
"i am spell bound"
cleansed once again i feel not over burdened and the disciplined freedom of myself now in front, in sight and again reachable
"and i am deeply in thought"
i now am at rest as my mind takes in what it sees. the snow's beauty reminds me of my dreams---tomorrows---and my own depths
"and i am now ready"
i look ahead with eagerness, my strength is mounding and mounting, my soul thoughts are becoming unclouded, and my heart is of sweet song
"and i am creatively restless"
i am deeply and most profoundly grateful to allow nature's way to give me back the intensity of viewing life itself; thus being cleansed and washed by the whitened flakes that pass my eyes view
"and i am again so deeply moved"


i am taken to a different place from where i was yesterday. i am surely surrounded by beauty herself; and i do recognize (her). i am in awe of this experience, once again, it is so deeply profound to me
"and i await"
i feel transported somewhat, i am out of myself, as i take in this whitish view.....it is so all encompassing, so universal, so meaningful and full of life
"i am taken by it all"
just a simple snowfall, such an uncomplexed view from my studio-window perch. it again allows me the privileged once again to breathe in life, and start to feel whole once more
"and i am of true self"
even the reflections of the past winters that bore me their harshness, somehow become lessened by all of this
"and i am removed"
but as in the past (if i write and record these intense feelings) then i could and will achieve solitude and have something to hold on to once more
"and i am with peace (herself)
and again i am taken"


the early morning snow from my perched mountain view awakens me
i am refreshed and soul cleansed
and i await the monarch's return in late spring
i await this winged beauty to show me her colours, her loftiness, this air machine that glides and flirts with each petal flower
i await you, you black, yellow and red winged "air machine" 
"and again i am deeply moved with peace `herself'"

i am distracted, as i now see the mother (female) hawk soar to her snow treed perch
she spreads her wings to jettison the wet snow and watches below as i look away, and then return for her view, she is gone from my sight
another place in winged sky, another perch for a better more encompassing view....and yes, she is most certainly gone and out of my sight
"and soon i will be in her company once again?"


so little the flakes have become and so gently quiet it is all around me now
there is little wind, the trees bend ever so sightly and i am calmed from the view 
"and all my thoughts are peaceful"
the whitish grey mist now forms and rolls gradually in from the mountains, housing a view that surrounds me now...the beauty and my projected emotions, bring me to another place...and now i must go back to my work
i will carry these thoughts, emotions and views with me and again i deeply cherish what i have witnessed and recorded this morning
"and again, even more than not, i am taken, i am moved, i am at rest, i am awe inspired and i am most definitely refreshed!"

a.f. march 15, 1991


"barn2"  march 22, 1991
revised april 20, 1991 

driving hammer
ring shanked
hot flame
to copper
wetly moistened 
sticky plaster
upon your frame
and deep inside
newly sawn
wet oversized
oak beams
give you new born
strength and beauty

you are truly
you are now
for summer's heated rain
fall's teasing of winter
winter's harsh, cold, bitter frosted
winds and sleet
spring's new refreshing expanded 
you are now
to show your newness
the preserved oldness
and all your integrity
and i now live and work
deep inside 



(old weathered faded barn)

you stand among views
i shored you up
made you strong
to withstand
tightened your
framed beams and
em-"(braced)" you
ring shanked nails
driven in you
heated you
plumbed you
lighted you
by windows
electrified you
walled in you
floored you

allowed the light
of daybreak to 
penetrate the corners
of you 
and closed your
loose skin membrane
made myself strong
as i struggled
with you and 
over you
i am proud
of you
i now live
in you
of mine









"space frame" april 21, 1991 11:15am

space frame
in-over, out-under and all-somewhere 
I BEAMED structure
that you are
your way
i made
my hands (by)
thought of 
rubbed your finish 
polished you as 
would have (i)
a woman
your material 
you gesture

struggled over you
have (i)
in your
decisions of
my dreams
passion of my being
toil of my labors
"you are"
space of my dreams
tears of my
"you are"
the wet
the dry
of me
the heaven
the hell 
of me
the two faces
and the frontier
of me
"you are"
free standing
raw force
juxtapositions of my
give me strength as
you stand
edges hard
welds soft
almost her flesh
colour aged
cantilevered in lifes
"you are"..............
the idea that
leads me onward
"you are"..............
the discipline that 
gives me freedom
"you are"!

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